Prolific You

Believe | Transform | Inspire

What I Learned During a Breathing Exercise

Posted on June 1, 2015 in Purpose in Life by

Do you know why you breathe or why breathing is such an essence of life?  Being that you are alive, I suspect you have a clue, but allow me to share some insights.

If you are aware of your surrounding, you will notice there yoga studios are ubiquitous on almost every street corner.  More and more people seem to have an insatiable appetite for healthier body, mind and spirit.   And rightly so, although I have not been to a yoga studio since 2006, and while that`s a predilection based on my convictions, I have since opted to practice whatever moves and poses I choose in my controlled environment thereby engaging in whatever directives I so choose.

Recently, while I lay down practicing my breathing… deeply breath in and breath; I realized the profound importance of breathing–breath is life, or simply put breathing is the essence of being– meaning if you are breathing you are alive, and are thus connected to living by breath. Therefore, when you breath, you are alive, your spirit is alive, and if you are not breathing you would be presumed dead.

Nevertheless, as I lay on my mart inhaling and exhaling deeply; a thought come to me–Breath is the Spirit of God in me, and in every person alive. Remember the story they told you at Sunday school while you were young; that we all descended from Adam, the man created by the Creator from the dirt, whom God breathed upon? No doubt I have heard the story many times, but it was not until my breathing exercise that I perceived this deep truth: Breath is life! In order to be alive, one has to breath in and breath out just as one has to give if they expect to receive.

I have since endeavored to do the rhythmic breathing exercise more and more, and this while I understand has many healthy benefits; it makes sense to me that when one seek to be in the moment, they are more in-tune with the richness within. Perhaps explaining the rampant desire of many to detach from the distractions around us. So, as I relaxed, I suddenly begin sensed the spirit within me begin to raise and move in a manner I could sense within my body; and as I continued in this exercise, I realized I was becoming more aware of myself, my senses, my being and eventually found myself engaged in the very art of awe-ness, thankfulness in being in the moment.

According to American Institute of Stress (, there are many benefits of Intentional Breathing. And while you may think that`s a simple tasks, think again– only those who apply intentional effort in rhythmic breathing benefit greatly. Here are some of the healthy benefits:
Reduce stress
Reduce blood pressure
Strengthening of the Core muscles
Relieve general pain
Promotes blood circulation
Releases toxins from the body
Promotes healthy sleep
Increase energy levels
Increase focus and concentration
Improve self-Awareness

The rhythmic movement of inhaling and exhaling revealed an exciting truth of the world around us. Essentially, life is characterized by the very nature of a rhythmic system or life cycles: the contraction and expansion, giving and receiving, day and night, waking and sleeping, summer and winter or life and death. Amazingly this is the reality of the world we live in which typifies life itself–and to me this could not be far from the truth, that the Divine we so claim to experience when we are in the moment or still during the breathing exercise is the Giver of life Himself–the Creator of all things. Its no surprise then that when we choose to be in the moment we experience life itself. Bringing me to this statement spoken by Jesus, “I am the way, the truth and life.“ Interestingly, you and I don`t even have to believe this truth to experience the benefits thereof; how awesome and loving is our God to all mankind!!!

I Am…

Posted on May 11, 2015 in Purpose in Life by

Back in my high school and college days, if you were asked to write an essay you were expected not to start a sentence with these words… I Am!

I am… aaah… well, before I tell you who I am, please allow me to vent for just a second. In my previous piece, I wrote about ‘Who Are You?’, and thus it is only fitting I follow through with the most logical statement in response to that question. As I wrote, I thought to myself, why is it that neither I nor anyone in my classes ever had the audacity to ask the English teacher Why? Why was it not permissible to start my essays with this statement? Could it be, that the power players that be understand the impact that this statement has on our belief systems?

In my quest for answers, I come across a domain of the I Am Declarations! You heard me right–the idea of declaring openly what you belief about yourself is not only a remarkable idea, but a marketable one. Perhaps you have come across a short book titled, ‘As a man thinketh so is’ by James Allen ( ).  This short essay is a dynamite and a classic, and perhaps a must read for those wishing to change the cause of their life for the better. In fact, I dare say it is a must read if you are in the field of sales, entrepreneurship or personal development. I read this classics years ago, and while I embraced and understood the principle discussed in theory, I really did not take in the practice necessary to form or influence my belief. Probably because I was still in denial that I didn’t need it or perhaps I was really not there yet… mentally speaking. You know what they say, ‘when the student is ready the teacher will show up’.

Thankfully, today, everything in this little classic makes more sense and affirms what I have by now come to learn and realize–that everything we need and will ever need to propel our hearts and minds to our dreams is already within us. You and I do not need to chase after some big idea out there but rather need to spend some valueable time with YOU so as to discover the power in the I Am statement. Remember, I am is the archetype three dimensional view of you… all that you are, want to be and will be. The I am statement was first given to Moses by the Creator as an assurance to empower him to face Pharaoh , the Egyptian King. He, Moses was to announce to Pharaoh that I Am demand the King to let the people he had oppressed free. (The full story is found in the Bible). When I think of what the I am statement represent to me, the word Freedom comes to mind. And I mean the kind of freedom that is self realized–an epiphany kind of freedom embraced by self. I call it self love that is awakened by a greater love–the presence of the Great I Am within you, and the One whose life and spirit is in every created thing!!! So, just think it, believe it, embrace it and proclaim it with convictions–and before you know it, you will transform your thinking, beliefs, behavior, actions and ultimately you!

Based on my own experience, I now realize why I could not receive or accept the wisdom of the classic text mentioned. I admit, I needed to live and learn some more… or could be because I confused what I did (career) with identity; thinking that my worth was derived therein?!  And so when that didn`t go as planned, my world caved in opening the flood gates to soul searching, however; it’s in this endeavor that I discovered meaning, security, purpose, joy and fulfillment–all wrapped up in who I am. Nevertheless, I am who I am and all the more because of that challenging season. And from this, I have learned that anyone’s I Am… evolves from:

1. The beliefs and thoughts–this will either distorts or empowers the person.
2. The beliefs and thoughts of how others around the person think of the individual either distorts or reinforces the person’s view of the themselves.
3. The beliefs and thoughts of how the individual compares with those around them impacts the person greatly.
4. The beliefs and thoughts of the individual’s social roles either empowers or disempowers the individual.

In a nutshell, being able to declare your `I Am…` is largely influenced by not only how you think and view yourself, but a great deal of it has to do with how the individual fairs in view of how those significant to the person e.g parents, teachers, etc. view the person. And this is why I am a proponent of rewiring your thoughts and view of you! They say, the only constant thing in life is change, and whether your identity has up until now been a composition of others thoughts and declarations of you, there is hope! Today you and I can begin to rewire our brain by proclaiming… I am loved, joyful, caring, wonderful, amazing, powerful, awesome, great, strong, bold, unique, lovely, kind, gentle, passionate, thoughtful, focused, creative, and friendly… and whatever else you can think of or choose to be your… I am…

Who Are You?

Posted on April 26, 2015 in Purpose in Life by

As children we grew up being defined by those around us, particularly our parents. I have heard it said that everything in life reproduces its kind, and we human are no different. But thanks be to God, we are not always bound to become like those who raised us–we each have a choice!

A choice to embrace who we are or desire to be! Knowing who you are therefore is a journery, a process not a destination or something you randomly awake to, but rather it is a concious yet intentional process that one engages in if they desires to meet the real self. This became apparent to me ensuing a season of struggles characterized by frustrations and agitation resulting from a pursuit of a career that failed to launch. I felt heartbroken, disappointed and later found myself between the proverbial rock and a hard place, and I soon learned that it is always safer to be on the Rock! For me the Rock meant the place of my travail, pain, birthing, inquisition, tears, laughters, sadness, awakening, awareness, hope, joy, peace, comfort, loneliness, love, empowerment, affirmation, wisdom, strength, embrace, listening, and awaking–to the truth of my identity.

By Identity I mean who I am and not what I do! I have noticed that when you ask someone who they are, some go on to answer… I am a Doctor, Programmer, Instructor or whatever; confusing the profession with identity. It’s ironic that it took me being agitated with my career for my passion to burn in flames, and for my true identity to emerge. According to John Maxwell, “success is what we get from a career but significance is what we get from service–the art of making a difference in someone else’s life.” Today, I have learned that who you are is not synonymous to what you do, but rather it speaks of your belief system. As for me, who I am is epitomized by the spirit within, that allows me to breath each moment–the spirit of my Creator residing within, and what I do is derived from the abilities He has imbued me with–the gifts or what I call the Treasure within.

Your treasure is hidden, and just like a diamond it must be mined/explored if it is to be realized, and this takes time–it is a process. Your environment not circumstances also impacts who you are. However, you are not just a mere product of your environment although that has some truth, but rather what you believe about you is your Identity: the view and feel of you by you! Whether you are aware or not, you are special, unique just as your DNA and finger print are, and you have specific abilities that distinguishes you from anyone one else! To this end, I have realized the following truths about Identity…

1. Who You are emerges from your Convictions… who you are is an overarching essence of your beliefs.
2. Who You are cannot be Justified… either you know who you are or you do not.
3. Who You are cannot be Controlled… who you are is like a bird in flight or fish in water.
4. Who You are is a Discovery… not a one time static event birth, graduation, label, etc.
5. Who You are cannot be Hidden once discovered… People feel it when you are confident or insecure about yourself.
6. Who You are is to be Embraced by You… you cannot demand others acceptance of you, only you can love and accept you.
7. Who You are is the Naked You… with the good, the bad, the inbetweens and the ugly. A composition of all the attributes that you and others may not like or understand! Yes, You are all that and a bag of chips! So, learn to get along with You, believe in you, embrace you, be gracious, kind and love you because if you do not, no one else will!!!

In summary, you are simply a unique individual, and there is no one like you in all the earth, you are truly one of a kind! You ought to rejoice… You are Amazing, Awesome, Beautiful, Unique, Gifted, Wonderful and Loved–a reflection of the wonder of Your Creator or whatever source you believe you came from. As I alluded earlier, your future is your chooice and your responsibility: choose to define yourself; do not allow what you do or others to define you! You are not destined to be what anyone thinks of you or the labels others give you. But, you are who you are–who you choose to be or want to be or aspire to be–it’s your choice!!!

The Need To Understand

Posted on April 11, 2015 in Purpose in Life by

Kids love to ask why while adults love to understand why? In fact, some say that if you want an unbiased opinion of yourself ask a five year old, and you will be surprised at the purity of their thoughts and innocence of their understanding. Thank goodness, am no longer five but I still love to ask why, and appear to have an insatiable desire to understand why; even when this question may lead to more questions or frustrations than answers.

I learned earlier on that if you want to know what is in the heart of some, you are likely to find the right answers if you ask the right questions. In his book, Start With Why, Simon Sinek argues that the why question often reveals our true motives and beliefs, and adds that getting I touch with your Why connects you with your true meaning and purpose. things that you and I might not be aware of. For me, asking why has not only led me to understand but has also opened the proverbial pandora box thus leading myself to learn more than I was willing to or care even when I would have preferred not to, and last but not least, led me to capitulate in cases where my inquisition led to some discoveries about me that became unreconcilable after the fact .

I recall one particular instance where I found myself stuck and I could not make sense of what was going on in me. I struggled for days, and no matter what strategies I employed all was in vain. So, one day out of frustrations I asked the Creator, ‘God why is this and that?’ I did not hear an audible answer or anything of the sort but just as quickly as I had asked, a thought come to mind asking why I asked the very question in the first place. As I thought to conjure up an answer, I realized that my thoughts were naked before me, and that my motivation for asking the question were based on something I sought to proof to myself or justify in my mind–which in essence collapsed my reasoning and desire to know, and in that instant I knew I had to let my ego go and let it be.

This experience was cathartic to say the least, and although I did not reach my ultimate goal of obtaining and understanding the answer, I have come to the acknowledgement of the fact that there are things that I will never understand for the life of me no matter the desire to. This epiphany in on itself was very refreshing as it awakened me to new possibilities, perspectives and a paradigm–that life is truly an aadventure, at times we enjoy our discoveries while other times we learn from what we discover or even make sense of life when all seem still and unproductive. As I later learned, it’s during those moments that we grow from inside out–but growth does not just come, one has to be willing to look within and not without! I should add that often than not, when I engage myself in self inquisition; I do get answers that transform my views and ideas on whatever the matter. And most importantly, where people are involved, I find that I connect more with people who are willing to be vulnerable, and share their world with me. This not only has led me to great and strong relationship with my friends and others in my network but I have noted that vulnerability invariably leads to a deeper connection between us.

So next time you seat next to a stranger at the airplane or airport, I dare you to start a conversation and therein in ask ‘Why….? You will be surprised at how much you will receive though you might not understand it all, and how true it is that unlike kids; we enjoy life, family, friends and others when we intentionally engaged, and as the late Stephen Covey would say, “seek to understand before we are understood.”

The Joy of Suffering

Posted on March 11, 2015 in Purpose in Life by

Have you ever gone through a season in your life where you felt like you could not take it anymore only to emerge wiser, joyful, intuitive and with more clarity once past the darkest night? I have heard it said that there is always a silver-lining in every experience we endure. If you are familiar with the late Maya Angelo’s story or if you have ever read her memoir, ‘I know why the caged bird sings’ you might have a clue of what I mean. It seems to me that life’s greatest discoveries are more lucid to some of us once we’ve undergone a state of dramatic events where the soul is pushed to its limits, left to inevitably unveil the authentic essence of the man/woman.

I have met several people of whom this was the path by which they landed their treasure mine–the true realization of why they existed, their purpose or as some have boldly declared their calling and meaning in life. Perhaps this is why some like myself believe all things happen for a purpose whether one is aware of it or not, and so it goes… You should never complain even though everything inside of you warrant your complaint, but rather be grateful and look on the brighter side of things no matter the circumstances. I recall an episode I had a few years back with a client who cheated me out on our contractual agreement. When I called him out on the matter he bluffed as if to say relax. I was infuriated and could not imagine how unscrupulous some people can be. It was unbelievable to me that such uncouth people still live among us. Needless to say, I fired him but not without a list of bills and a whole lot of mess to clean up. I was devastated and in financial ruins but after days deciding to let him go emotionally, I thought to examine my part in the dealings with this man, only to realized I how clueless I had been in discounting certain cues, red flags and gut feelings I sensed on the onset of my first meeting with this guy. It is then, and only then that I became aware of how naive I was in my dealing with this client, but being an newbie in the business I knew I could not beat myself up rather sought to learn from the experience and learning I did. In retrospect, I learned a number of life principles that have since elevated my relations with clients and more.

Nevertheless, today, I can boldly attest to the old adage, ‘experience is the best teacher.’ I have since learned to sharpen my intuition thanks to the heavens for the internal warnings that have since helped me maneuver my way out unnecessary quagmires. In addition, I have learned, improved and grown in sage. And although I cannot assure you that I am never tempted to beat myself up or complain, one thing am sure of is that the more I live the more I learn and grow. In all, I realize that life often serves us many experiences out which we can and are expected to incline to, and draw a great deal of insight and wealth that when harnessed can catapult you and I to new levels of discovery and joys in life!







The Power of a Name

Posted on February 20, 2015 in Purpose in Life by

Are you Jacob or Israel?

Whenever I read Jacobs’ story and how God changed his name, I cannot help but be amazed at the awesomeness of God, HIS love, mercies and grace.  Jacob starts his journey back to his father’s land as a man in fear for what awaits him ahead–his imminent encounter with his brother Esau.  But after considering how he would face Esau who sought to kill him for having swindled his blessings.  He, Jacob realizes the only way out of the quagmire he has brought on himself was to seek help from the God of Heaven.  So, he pleads his case before God and God answered him.

Sometimes I find myself frustrated with self (they say we are our worst enemies), and seek to blame others whenever things don’t go my way or when I need to confront someone.  However, whenever I purpose to examine my heart or reasons why I feel the way I do, am always awestruck at how the issue lies with me than with the other person.  It’s no wonder Jesus admonished us to seek to take care of the log in our eye first before seeking to take the speck in another’s eye.

It’s incredible to me how many conflicts in my life have been resolved when I assumed responsibility.  In fact, many argue that the start of any breakthrough commences when one faces the ‘man or woman in the mirror’.  For Jacob, examining his heart led him to realize how wicked and fraudulent he had acted against his twin brother, and while I can almost bet 100% he felt his mother Rebecca was culpable as well.  It is clear he had to face the reality before him, and at that point recognized his only choice was to come to terms with his ills or sin.  It is then that we see him crying or as the Word put it ‘wrestle with God’ a.k.a repenting of his sins.  And viola!  It is there and then, solutions and healing to all his woes presented themselves inevitably.

In reading this passage I noted that sin and/or offenses to another causes us to be:

Live with insecurities (Pride)
Rob us of our joy (live in anger/frustrations)
Rob us our peace (live in worry)
Rob us greatness (live in small mindedness)
Be always on the run (live in illusions)
Cause us to be in emotional distress
… among others.

However, when we repent (when we sincerely feel remorse for our actions and purpose to turn back to a better way), God sees our hearts and accepts our cry for His intervention, and then on we are forgiven, free of baggage, free to live and free to move on.

Following his sincere quest for help and repentance, Jacob was not only forgiven, empowered to face his brother Esau, but was forever changed as he encountered the Almighty.  In fact, it is here his name is changed from Jacob to Isreal.  According hebrew language, Jacob means to follow, to supplant, circumvent, assail, overreach, while Israel means one who prevails with God, God perseveres.  What an experience!

Just like Jacob, there are circumstances in my life that I once wished would just change, and have changed upon seeking God in prayer, but there others that still linger.  And while I admit to you that I continue in my cry; some have yet to change.  Nevertheless, I press on.  So, do not be dismayed.  Like all humans we all have an issue that seem mountenous and as much as we hope it’s inexistence, it persist and often limit us from forging ahead just as Jacob was.  But when we invite God in those circumstances by faith, we find that His mercy and grace are suddenly with us–and regardless of how long we wait in prayer, we can be certain of eventual victory.  The Scriptures encourage us to pray without ceasing, and adds that when we ask we receive, when we knock we are opened for, when we seek we find and when we call the Almighty answers.  So, what are you in need of?  I assure you He is faithful, and when you pray in FAITH, persist in your call, He hears and He will not put you to shame.  I too hold on to this truth, and am confident of victory in the end because He is in my experience a present help in times of trouble, never fails, though He may delay in which case He avails His grace to longsuffer.  In fact, if you need me to agree with you, I would be willing to pray with you.

Feel free to send me a note at or type your prayer on the comments slot annonimously.

For a complete story read Genesis 32

A Purpose Driven Life… How To Get There?

Posted on February 17, 2015 in Purpose in Life by

“An Ideal For Which Am Prepared To Die” –Nelson Mandela

In April 20, 1964, a courageous man unknown to the world boldly declared the noted statement above in defense of his belief.  He believed in equality of all people, and pegged his entire life on this single focus.  I heard these words as the media regurgitated the death of President Nelson Mandela back in late 2013, and my heart almost stopped.  Somehow, these words transmitted to my subconscious where they lay till I become aware of the weight they carry this afternoon.  To my surprise, I realized in retrospect that something internal in me changed then.

These days, I find that my decision making is rather slanted, and for the better!  It has become apparent that until a few years ago, I lived my life according to other’s expectations.  Something that I was oblivious of yet profoundly moved to awake to.  According to Psychology, (the study of the mind), it is noted that the greatest human desire innate and common to all people is to be fulfilled in life.  Note, I said Fulfilled and not Successful?  Fulfillment means you are living your dreams aka full potential; while Successful means you have accomplished some goals, wealth, position, honor, etc.

Therefore, it is very likely that one could be successful but be unfulfilled.  For example, in the past few years, I have had the opportunity to connect with people needing help overcoming certain family and relationship blocks.  For example, I worked with a very one lady is in her mid 30s, and although she had a successful career, she struggled with fear of “self-reliance” stemming from fear of ‘what could be’.  These were my early days in this work which explains why I thought what a paradox–how can one be so successful yet struggle with such matters?!   Gladly, she was very humble to realize that she needed help, and that made it easier to breakthrough the mental block and achieve the desired outcome.  It is then that I realized one of my Aha! moments or the shift–that is–when we embrace a new perspective in confronting what once intimidated us, we always raise above the fear, the obstacles, and allow ourselves to move on ready to face whatever consequences.  I believe this is what the late President Mandela did as he addressed the very system that intimidated him.  To this end, I have found that once an individual decides that they cannot be hindered by anything, let alone themselves; they become unstoppable, and in that act; they tip the scale to their advantage and for the better and a new being is born–a moment of transformation!!

For Madiba, and others luminaries like him e.g, Gandhi, Martin Luther King Jr., transcendence and quantum change came when  that which they believed aligned with the who, the what and the why they existed.  It’s no wonder that history for many was shaped, and lives impacted forever!  I have had a share of my own challenges, fears and successes in my own journey, and have concluded that at the base of our subconsious is what guides us, influences our daily pursuit or lack thereof.   I remember a time in my wilderness days when I felt frustrated by myself and almost everything else around me until I stopped to look within, only to uncover the proverbial elephant in the room–the Unawakened and Unaware Self.  Today, my pain and desire to address that which was latent within has passed, and I feel new, energized, intouch with self, my values and now have joy both in both the minors and majors of my mundane activities.  It is this paradigm that has led me to this undertaking, and my belief that ‘knowing thyself’ is the most crucial indicator of fullfment in life.  To be fullfilled however, you must define your Why–the Why you do, act and believe what you do?  Be clear whether you are driven by the outside forces: societys’s demand on you, your parent’s demands on you, other people’s or your own?  Whatever it is, you can make it your slave today if you to master self, otherwise; the alternative is going through life only to reach your end unfulfilled and wishing you had set out to do what you believed and loved as opposed to being ‘whatever’s slave’.  

For the late President, it seems he found out early on in his life that he couldn’t ignore the irritations of  inequality and segregation.  He believed that all men are created equal, and have unalienable rights from their Creator; thus, he made it his life call, and was willing to die for that ideal.  Today, the late Madiba is judged best by history and was dubbed selfless, humble and an admired leader of the 21st Century, and although he is gone, his legacy still lives on!  My desire is that when am gone, my essence and spirit will live on through others–and its this desire that charges me on in the quest to help others discover their Prolific edge, and on to becoming the ‘Prolific You’ you were designed to be.  To get there, I encourage you to look within and not without!   I welcome you to take some time to examine your ideals and see if you have any ‘ideal for which you are prepared to die’, because it is then and only then you begin to live the Prolific You!


Live Your Life Now

Posted on January 21, 2015 in Purpose in Life by

I heard someone remark, “Stress is when we do what we think we ought to do, while Joy Passion is doing that which brings joy and fulfillment at the end of the day.”  I’ve been living for awhile now, and have to say I agree with this statement 100%.

For years, I lived my life seeking the best paying job, status, a new challenge, etc though I was miserable and didn’t even know it.  So, I finally let go after going through a period of feeling emptiness within.   Nevertheless, this led me to a journey of self discovery that can be best summed up by the late Steve Job’s view, “You can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards.  So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future.  You have to trust in in something-your guts, destiny, life, karma, whatever.”

I did exactly that, and while I admit it was purely serendipity, today, am doing what I love, and have had the opportunity to help others do just that.  You can too!  Choose to look back at what you loved to do as a child, and you will be surprised of the rich clues to what your Prolific Now, and Future could be!



Perspective Is Everything

Posted on December 20, 2014 in Purpose in Life by

I once found myself crying ‘woe is me’ and subsequently my mind seem to slip away into a series of self limiting thoughts.  It didn’t take awhile before I found myself consumed with negativity but something suddenly happened almost instantaneously, and I started to consider that I was in good health, sane, and in that thought my perspective changed.

I have had some say that perspective is anything, and that no matter how challenging one’s circumstances are, all is relative to how one choose to look at the situation before them.  Being that we are soon to celebrate Thanksgivings holiday, I find myself reflecting on my past failures and successes—an experience that i find to be quite humbling experience?!

As I introspect end on my life up to that moment, I found myself in a rush of gratitude and not just for the great and good things, but also for the bad, the ugly and the in between.  To my surprise, time appear to have stopped, and nothing mattered anymore.  It was as if I was floating in the air and a state of utopia where my soul was resting in unimaginable peace, joy and in awe of everything.  It is amazing how quickly the pain faded, and somehow all I could focus my mind on was the privileges that almost went unnoticed for life.

I have since thought of this remark, ‘there are no mistakes except for the ones that we never learn from.’  Frankly, I have never felt so liberated like I did on that day.  I realized then the power of perspective, and how that shapes my feelings and experience depending on what I choose to focus my thoughts on.  The Bible has much to say about thoughts, and sums it this way ‘as a man thinks so is he.’  Life is truly a gift, and you and will have a better experience when we embrace who we are, be more aware of our feelings and choose to control those feelings after all it is a privileged to be alive.   I have since become a better person, or at least I would like to think that I have.  Most importantly, this episode really helped me to appreciate the phrase, “Rejoice always. Pray without ceasing. In everything give thanks for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus.”  How encouraging  from a man who boasted in the fact he suffered for the sake of sharing the good news/gospel with others.

These days, I like to think of myself as a student of life, and I have realized that challenges, failures are some of the best channels to unveiling character in us albeit most of us don’t like to face failures.  Am thus learning that while life is magnanimous to serve you and I lemons, it is my duty to fight for my peace of mind, joy, endurance or whatever virtue I dare choose to embrace.

In summary, I am humbled to learn that some of the best lessons in life are like building a true legacy; they take time to develop, and when they do; they are like a piece of the puzzle that perfectly fits in our life’s overall puzzle.

The Power of Gratitude

Posted on October 7, 2014 in Purpose in Life by

At some juncture in my life I found myself growing increasingly frustrated.  I struggled with the desire to deploy my gifts and skills but sadly; I did not know where to begin.  In fact, I grew uncomfortable with the status quo, and recall pursuing one thing after another only to end up more frustrated.  Thankfully, after much trial and error, I feel I have reached an equilibrium from within.  You know, that inner resolve and assurance of a choice that results to a kind of delight that is more experienced when it’s engaged at the heart level!

Well, am persuaded that a person’s pain, zeal, talents and skills are clues pointing to what cause or problems he or she is to solve while alive.  Some luminaries such as Martin Luther King Jr., Nelson Mandela understood this, and were willing to die in pursuit of their it.  Others like Mother Teresa were willing to spend their life amongst the poorest in our society, and yet they were utterly fulfilled.  I am convinced that these individuals understood what takes some of us a lifetime to–the fundamental truth that joy, contentment and fulfillment are not based on what happens to us, status, class, educational level, wealth or success but rather on one’s ability to tap into the well within.  And therefore creating the kind of life they choose to live.  For me, the aha moment come when I started to be grateful for everything in my life–the good, the bad, the ugly and the in between.  I felt as if I could fly.  It was as if for the first time someone gave me a blank check and asked that I write out how much I wanted to cash in.  I have always known some truths and facts about me, and although I kept it to myself, I realize it’s time to share my gifts, stories and memories with the world.  In fact, since being 7or 8 I recall I was very curious, and would ask questions relentlessly, at times challenging the status quo (which often landed me in trouble) and if I didn’t get any answers; the questions lingered long till I learned to seek the answers on my own quietly.  I was determined and enjoyed the thrill that lasted with whatever curiosity and the ensued discoveries.

Lets face it, if each one of us were to revisit our childhood dreams, imaginations and fantasies even sky would not be the proverbial limit.  I have come to conclude that each one of us is destined to experience sheer fulfillment and joy when we realize our full potential.  Just like the late Steve Jobs designed the Iphone with a specific purpose and utility in mind, I am of the belief that the Creator designed each one of us with a unique purpose for which we are born to fulfill. Discovering one’s identity, potential, purpose and destiny is thus paramount if one is to ever self-actualize.  However, this is not an easy task, in fact; discovering one’s purpose is more of an adventure than a single event.  One that starts from within and not without, and that when undertaken appears as a stream, then becomes a river–the kind of a river that flows with living water: peace unimaginable, faith unshakable, joy unspeakable and allows one to experience unending love.

Today, my curiousity lives on, and while it leads me to unchattered territories; the possibilities are endless.  I have found that by embarking on these possibilities life becomes more meaningful, enjoyable and worth sharing–and this brightens the countenance of those around me and vise versa.  So, regardless of where you are in life, what circumstances you face or your status, you can be fulfilled in your life Now!  I encourage you to start now by sharing your life today! The world needs you and your questions, stories etc.  Share the answers you find or found, gifts, stories and memories you have.  You will never know who they will touch, encourage, empower, lift up… and this is what I call being the Prolific You, you were meant to be, so begin to live it out NOW!

