Prolific You

Believe | Transform | Inspire

Perspective Is Everything

Posted on December 20, 2014 in Purpose in Life by

I once found myself crying ‘woe is me’ and subsequently my mind seem to slip away into a series of self limiting thoughts.  It didn’t take awhile before I found myself consumed with negativity but something suddenly happened almost instantaneously, and I started to consider that I was in good health, sane, and in that thought my perspective changed.

I have had some say that perspective is anything, and that no matter how challenging one’s circumstances are, all is relative to how one choose to look at the situation before them.  Being that we are soon to celebrate Thanksgivings holiday, I find myself reflecting on my past failures and successes—an experience that i find to be quite humbling experience?!

As I introspect end on my life up to that moment, I found myself in a rush of gratitude and not just for the great and good things, but also for the bad, the ugly and the in between.  To my surprise, time appear to have stopped, and nothing mattered anymore.  It was as if I was floating in the air and a state of utopia where my soul was resting in unimaginable peace, joy and in awe of everything.  It is amazing how quickly the pain faded, and somehow all I could focus my mind on was the privileges that almost went unnoticed for life.

I have since thought of this remark, ‘there are no mistakes except for the ones that we never learn from.’  Frankly, I have never felt so liberated like I did on that day.  I realized then the power of perspective, and how that shapes my feelings and experience depending on what I choose to focus my thoughts on.  The Bible has much to say about thoughts, and sums it this way ‘as a man thinks so is he.’  Life is truly a gift, and you and will have a better experience when we embrace who we are, be more aware of our feelings and choose to control those feelings after all it is a privileged to be alive.   I have since become a better person, or at least I would like to think that I have.  Most importantly, this episode really helped me to appreciate the phrase, “Rejoice always. Pray without ceasing. In everything give thanks for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus.”  How encouraging  from a man who boasted in the fact he suffered for the sake of sharing the good news/gospel with others.

These days, I like to think of myself as a student of life, and I have realized that challenges, failures are some of the best channels to unveiling character in us albeit most of us don’t like to face failures.  Am thus learning that while life is magnanimous to serve you and I lemons, it is my duty to fight for my peace of mind, joy, endurance or whatever virtue I dare choose to embrace.

In summary, I am humbled to learn that some of the best lessons in life are like building a true legacy; they take time to develop, and when they do; they are like a piece of the puzzle that perfectly fits in our life’s overall puzzle.

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