Prolific You

Believe | Transform | Inspire

The Power of a Name

Posted on February 20, 2015 in Purpose in Life by

Are you Jacob or Israel?

Whenever I read Jacobs’ story and how God changed his name, I cannot help but be amazed at the awesomeness of God, HIS love, mercies and grace.  Jacob starts his journey back to his father’s land as a man in fear for what awaits him ahead–his imminent encounter with his brother Esau.  But after considering how he would face Esau who sought to kill him for having swindled his blessings.  He, Jacob realizes the only way out of the quagmire he has brought on himself was to seek help from the God of Heaven.  So, he pleads his case before God and God answered him.

Sometimes I find myself frustrated with self (they say we are our worst enemies), and seek to blame others whenever things don’t go my way or when I need to confront someone.  However, whenever I purpose to examine my heart or reasons why I feel the way I do, am always awestruck at how the issue lies with me than with the other person.  It’s no wonder Jesus admonished us to seek to take care of the log in our eye first before seeking to take the speck in another’s eye.

It’s incredible to me how many conflicts in my life have been resolved when I assumed responsibility.  In fact, many argue that the start of any breakthrough commences when one faces the ‘man or woman in the mirror’.  For Jacob, examining his heart led him to realize how wicked and fraudulent he had acted against his twin brother, and while I can almost bet 100% he felt his mother Rebecca was culpable as well.  It is clear he had to face the reality before him, and at that point recognized his only choice was to come to terms with his ills or sin.  It is then that we see him crying or as the Word put it ‘wrestle with God’ a.k.a repenting of his sins.  And viola!  It is there and then, solutions and healing to all his woes presented themselves inevitably.

In reading this passage I noted that sin and/or offenses to another causes us to be:

Live with insecurities (Pride)
Rob us of our joy (live in anger/frustrations)
Rob us our peace (live in worry)
Rob us greatness (live in small mindedness)
Be always on the run (live in illusions)
Cause us to be in emotional distress
… among others.

However, when we repent (when we sincerely feel remorse for our actions and purpose to turn back to a better way), God sees our hearts and accepts our cry for His intervention, and then on we are forgiven, free of baggage, free to live and free to move on.

Following his sincere quest for help and repentance, Jacob was not only forgiven, empowered to face his brother Esau, but was forever changed as he encountered the Almighty.  In fact, it is here his name is changed from Jacob to Isreal.  According hebrew language, Jacob means to follow, to supplant, circumvent, assail, overreach, while Israel means one who prevails with God, God perseveres.  What an experience!

Just like Jacob, there are circumstances in my life that I once wished would just change, and have changed upon seeking God in prayer, but there others that still linger.  And while I admit to you that I continue in my cry; some have yet to change.  Nevertheless, I press on.  So, do not be dismayed.  Like all humans we all have an issue that seem mountenous and as much as we hope it’s inexistence, it persist and often limit us from forging ahead just as Jacob was.  But when we invite God in those circumstances by faith, we find that His mercy and grace are suddenly with us–and regardless of how long we wait in prayer, we can be certain of eventual victory.  The Scriptures encourage us to pray without ceasing, and adds that when we ask we receive, when we knock we are opened for, when we seek we find and when we call the Almighty answers.  So, what are you in need of?  I assure you He is faithful, and when you pray in FAITH, persist in your call, He hears and He will not put you to shame.  I too hold on to this truth, and am confident of victory in the end because He is in my experience a present help in times of trouble, never fails, though He may delay in which case He avails His grace to longsuffer.  In fact, if you need me to agree with you, I would be willing to pray with you.

Feel free to send me a note at or type your prayer on the comments slot annonimously.

For a complete story read Genesis 32

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