Prolific You

Believe | Transform | Inspire

What is Your Response?

Posted on July 9, 2015 in Purpose in Life by

How do you respond to life challenges?  You may have heard of the phrase, `change is the only constant thing in life!`  All else will fluctuate from time to time be it health, wealth, career, family or happiness whatever, each of us is bound to experience some set backs in these areas at one time or another in the course of our lifes.  The illusion of control and the looming future may often leave us feeling like we are not making progress no matter what we do.  The key however is constant assesement of our actions daily, weekly, monthly or whatever works for you so as to ensure we are intune with what important to us-our values and beliefs.

Values and beliefs are said to be among the key drivers to any human behaviors.  And whether you and I are aware or not we are driven to action or inaction based on what we hold important to ourselves or what we belief.  I find this duality of thought interesting; one end there is empowerment while on the other the belief could be either passed on by parents, socieity, religion or d essence is that one could be holding a particular belief and not even be aware of it.

Awareness thus become the first step to unravelling the mystery all things considered.  True change only comes to those who desire it or are tired of going through the rut.  In my experience, small steps could lead to major breakthroughs as long us one is really willing to be honest with themselves. Take for instance if one is not happy with ther weight; it does not matter what they do or whad diet they engage in, as long as the person has not dealt with the backdrop issue causing them to feel overweight or disatisfied with their current weight, there little to nothing anyone can do to help such an individual.

Nevertheless, simple steps towards the desired life could be the trigger to a windfall like breakthrough.  Here are some steps that work no matter what the challenge one is facing:

  1. Acknowledge a problem exist.
  2. Acknowledge you need help.
  3. Have a clear goal of what exactly you want (a plan).
  4. Seek help of another… a mentor, coach or even a friend who you know is capabale and willing to help you meet your goal.
  5. Schedule your actions.
  6. Do or follow through on your schedule.
  7. Commit yourself to the process.
  8. Assess your progress as you go.
  9. Celebrate when you reach your desired outcome.
  10. Iterate the very steps for whatever else you need to change in any other area of your life.

If you respond to whatever challenge by following through each of these steps, and be consistently over a period of time, you will get to your desired results no matter what.  It is kind of like when you were in grade school.   You had to be there at a certain time, attended the same class in a set time of the day for a months, year, and the next, but eventually you earned that diploma!  There are no short cuts to life or to anything worthwhile in life, howevers; some of us have grown dependent to the 10 days weight loss programs, or whatever quick fix schemes out there.  But they never work for the long haul.  Being that I have been there done that, I have concluded that the old adage is true- quick come quick go or simply put, hurry hurry has no blessings!!

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